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Chinese Official Denounces House Churches at Congress, Says They Must Be Brought To Justice

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"Pastor" Xu Xiaohong (徐晓鸿), head of the Chinese government-sanctioned Three-Self Church (三自爱国运动) warns of Christianity’s “anti-China forces” and vows to help government “bring them to justice" at the National People's Congress on March 11, 2019.

From the editor: At the National People's Congress on Monday, "Pastor" Xu Xiaohong, head of the government-sanctioned Three-Self Church (the only officially recognized church in China), expressed the Three-Self Church's commitment to the government's plan to "Sinicize" Christianity, that is to rid Christianity of all Western influences and to ensure that all aspects of Christian doctrine and worship conform to the government's socialist ideology. In his remarks, he also denounced churches like Early Rain Covenant Church who meet in "private meeting places" and "black sheep" like Pastor Wang Yi who are "subverting state security." Pastor Wang Yi and his wife are being held in secret locations on charges of "inciting to subvert state power."

There are many prominent problems within the sphere of Christianity. For example, infiltration from foreign countries, private meeting places, a lack of high-quality pastors who love their country and religion, and some pastors and believers who have a limited awareness of the law. If we do not pay attention to these problems, they may lead to serious political consequences. We must realize that the Chinese church is surnamed "Chinese" not "Western." Anti-China forces in the West are trying to continue to influence China's social stability and even subvert our country's political power through Christianity but it is doomed to fail. As for individual black sheep who, under the banner of Christianity, participate in subverting national security, we firmly support the country in bringing them to justice.” Rooting itself in a new age, Christianity in China must continuously pursue "Sinicization" and actively adapt to this socialist society with Chinese characteristics.

– "Pastor" Xu Xiaohong, Head of China’s Three-Self Church, National People’s Congress, March 11, 2019

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