Pathway Learning

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Help Change the World

Dear Friend,

As the end of this year approaches, I’ve been remembering the amazing faithfulness of the Lord during the last 20 years.

Through Global Church Advancement (GCA), relaunching as Pathway Learning in 2016, we’ve had the privilege of training thousands of church leaders from more than 50 countries in 7 languages on 5 continents.

We have the same vision and mission. But we’re now providing a new, more accessible and affordable path to education for under-served church leaders.

We don’t go to them. They don’t come to us. They learn where they live and while they're serving. This is not the online learning of the past. We’re developing an innovative, multi-media education platform, integrating the best of both online and onsite learning–with a high priority on relational, church-based learning.

Drawing from my 35 years of experience as a church planter, pastor, trainer, and professor, my desire is to help train the next generation of church leaders–especially the millions of leaders in the developing world who don't have access to seminary-level training.

During the last two years, we’ve been developing and testing our first courses in evangelism, church planting, and missions. Already more than 100 students have completed these courses for seminary credit. In 20 years as a seminary professor, I’ve never received so many favorable course reviews.

And we're already getting positive feedback from church leaders who’ve completed our test courses in their churches, led by students who took these courses. Our church planting course is being prepared for public rollout in February 2016 by the Presbyterian Church in America–one of our first partners. The next phase of course translation, design, and development is already underway.

We Need Your Help

So far we’ve been able to do all this without even one full-time person, working mostly with seminary students who share this vision. But we can’t do this on a shoestring any longer. To have the staff and resources to keep developing this ministry in 2016, we need to raise $250,000 by December 31.

We have a lot of work to do, but we can’t do it alone. The generosity of friends like you enable this work. 

God is using Pathway Learning to equip church leaders around the world. Will you help us by giving a gift of any amount to Pathway Learning?

Thank you for your support and prayers.

We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities