Pathway Learning

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Four Core Commitments in 2020

As Pathway Learning prepares for 2020, we’re reaffirming four core commitments that I would like to share with you. All four commitments are centered on glorifying God and advancing his kingdom on earth, through his church, by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These commitments can truly make a lasting difference in the lives of people, communities, and entire nations into the next generation.

FIRST, we are committed to What we do

We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities worldwide.

Despite the remarkable spread of Christianity worldwide, spiritual darkness, cultural and societal decay are reaching unprecedented levels. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, where the church is growing most rapidly, the result is often a form of Christianity, such as the prosperity gospel, with little or no true, lasting transformation of individuals, families, and cultures.

SECOND, we are committed to Whom we serve

There are millions of gifted and called church leaders, especially in the developing world, who are underserved.

They don’t have access to the practical, high-quality, seminary-level education they need to develop healthy churches with effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy. In 2019 Pathway Learning equipped our global ministry partners in five strategic locations worldwide, including the persecuted in China, the rural poor in Muslim West Africa, the unreached in Japan, the secular in Eastern Europe (Italy), and the urban poor in North America. Our goal is to expand these partnerships to more locations.

THIRD, we are committed to How we serve

We provide an innovative online and onsite learning platform that brings underserved church leaders the practical training and tools they need where they live, in their language, and adapted to their culture.

To date, Pathway Learning has helped church leaders on 6 continents in 43 countries, and in 5 languages. As of December 2019, we’ve developed and provided more than 30 courses in which 49,662 Lesson steps were completed with 20,223 discussions. And we’ve just begun.

FOURTH, we are committed to Why we serve

We want to see the world become a better place by being saturated with healthy, gospel-centered churches through which people and communities flourish.

We believe this is the heart of God’s plan to “make disciples of all nations.” And we believe there is no greater honor and privilege than making a lasting difference in this world by participating in the greatest work in human history, the work of the Great Commission.

But here’s what I must tell you:

There’s no way Pathway Learning can keep these commitments without you—without your prayers and your financial support. So I’m asking you to help Pathway Learning with a year-end gift right now, as we end 2019 with these four commitments ahead. Your gift, given by midnight on December 31, will help us end this year strong, ready for 2020 and the future.

Please use this convenient link to give now to help keep these commitments.

Gratefully in Christ, Steve

P.S. As you do your end-of-year giving, please prayerfully consider our ministry as one you will support. Thanks so much!

Steve Childers - President & CEO Pathway Learning

We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities