Pathway Learning

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Your Support Brings Lasting Change in Muslim West Africa

Thanks to friends like you, people’s lives and communities are being transformed around the world. I’d like to introduce you to two Pathway Learning partners serving the church among the rural poor in Muslim West Africa. First, meet my dear friend, former student, and ministry partner Agbetti (English name Nathaniel) - the man on the left.He's a well-respected, national church leader in Togo who writes:

In Muslim West Africa, we are not fighting with guns and weapons to see God’s kingdom come. It is a battle for minds and hearts for which we are willing to risk our lives. This is why we are so thankful for Pathway Learning and their excellent training resources in French that we use to equip our church leaders to plant and develop healthy churches with effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy.

I'd also like to introduce you to the man in the middle, Sylvain. He’s the pastor of a church on the frontlines in the Kara region of north Togo, one of the poorest regions in West Africa. Sylvain is also a regional church leader who oversees and trains church planters and pastors to start and grow churches that provide both the ongoing spiritual and physical resources that are so desperately needed among the poor.

Sylvain’s vision includes partnering with others, like Agbetti, to help provide their church networks with medical clinics, micro-enterprise training, and Christian schools. After completing three years of Pathway’s church leadership training, Sylvain is now facilitating this training for many more pastors – using only their cell phones, tablets, or computers without internet access and cell service.

When you give to Pathway Learning, you help underserved leaders like Sylvain receive the essential education he needs to help start and develop churches that transform lives and communities among the poor in Muslim West Africa. You are helping to create lasting change and bring hope to people and communities around the world.

Give today, and help create lasting change in Muslim West Africa.

For the King!


Steven L. Childers

President and CEO, Pathway Learning

PS: Thanks again for your ongoing prayers and financial support. Your support makes all this possible. Together we can continue providing underserved church leaders the education and practical tools they need to transform lives and communities around the world in 2021. To donate, Click Here.



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We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities