Pathway Learning

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I Go Because You Send

Pathway Learning is committed to helping educate under-served church leaders to develop churches that transform lives and communities.

We've had a tremendous year of growth in 2016, and we're looking forward to what God has in store for 2017.

And now at year's end, we need your assistance to raise the funds necessary to increase our education of church leaders in 2017. Will you help?

This past year, by using our innovative online and onsite educational platform, we've equipped emerging church leaders with courses in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership, and missions. We also translated and launched our first Mandarin course for the Asian underground church.In 2017, we're launching new courses for under-served church leaders in West Africa, South Asia, North America, and West Europe.

These courses will help indigenous church planters and pastors develop churches that have effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy/justice to the poor.

And we're launching new courses with Dr. John Frame, called the Applied Theology Project. To do all this, we need to end 2016 strong financially.

The only institution Jesus promised to build and to bless is the church. But for churches to transform lives and communities, they need effective leaders.

When church leaders flourish, churches flourish. When churches flourish, people and societies flourish. To put the education of church leaders first is to put society first.

The reason I'm able to go help establish our online and onsite platforms for leaders in remote places like West Africa and South Asia in 2017, is because people like you send me-through your donations, small and large.Will you help?


P.S. - The generosity of friends like you is key to our mission. We need your help to raise $200,000 in 2016 and be ready for 2017. Thank you.

We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities