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Persecuted Imprisoned Chinese Pastor Wang Yi Transferred to Unknown Prison

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. Hebrews 13:3

According to a member of the persecuted Early Rain Church in Chengdu, their imprisoned pastor Wang Yi was recently transferred from his incarceration in Chengdu to a prison, but Wang’s family has not been told the location.

Pastor Wang was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment for “subversion of state power” and “illegal business operation” last year. He has been jailed since December 9, 2018. 

His wife Jiang Rong and son Shuya Wang have been placed under close surveillance since December 2018 and are banned from contacting others, so no one knows where they live. Wang’s parents have also been placed under surveillance and are not permitted to move freely in their community.

Chinese prison regulations allow families the right to apply for visitation once an inmate has been transferred to a prison, but China Aid reports that Wang’s family is being denied that right.

The United States has called for the immediate release of jailed Chinese Pastor Wang Yi. “We are alarmed that Pastor Wang Yi … was tried in secret and sentenced to nine years in prison in connection to this peaceful advocacy for religious freedom. We call for his immediate and unconditional release,” State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus said in an official statement.

"Please pray!"

Please pray for Pastor Wang’s immediate release and for his wife, son, mother, and church members during this time.

Church members praying at Early Rain Church in Chengdu, China.

Please share this need and pray for the people of China and their church planters, pastors, missionaries and churches seeking to serve and love them well during this crisis.

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