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Please Pray for Italy Church Planters and Churches Facing Coronavirus

As of March 10, the coronavirus infections in Italy increased by 24% from March 9, official figures showed, and the death toll jumped from 366 to 463. Italy is the worst-hit country after China. Cases of the virus have now been confirmed in all 20 Italian regions.

Church planters, pastors, and missionaries serving the Italian people through new churches in Italy are being faced with increasing challenges. Church planting team leader, Justin Valiquette, with Impatto - Acts 29 Italy, reported to Steve Childers today:

"We are all essentially on lockdown. Schools closed nationwide until April 3. Local businesses are really suffering. There is a lot of uncertainty and mild panic for some. Public gatherings or even being out in public socially is being restricted. We cannot meet legally, so we are starting to do Zoom (video) call on Sundays and for weekly community gatherings." – Justin Valiquette, church planter, Impatto - Acts 29 Italy

Valiquette is helping lead and train a network of church planters and leaders in Italy. The map below shows the locations of church leaders throughout the country taking Pathway Learning church planting courses in Italian.

"Please pray!"

Please share this need and pray for the people of Italy and these church planters, pastors, missionaries and churches seeking to serve and love them well during this crisis.

"Please pray that we would understand how to navigate this delicate situation and find ways to love our neighbors well. Pray we would stay united as we seek to shine as light in this darkness.”

– Justin Valiquette

We help underserved church leaders develop churches that transform lives and communities