How can I find my purpose in God's? (Ultimate Questions, Part 5)

Series: Ultimate Questions (Part 5)

Authors: Drs. John M. Frame and Steven L. Childers

Title: How can I find my purpose in God's?

Ultimate questions are asked by every generation. Questions like,

  • How do we find purpose in life?

  • What in the World is God doing?

  • What is God's purpose for the world?

  • How is God carrying out his purpose?

  • How can I find my purpose in God's?

Never has there been a time in history when there have been more churches and more professing Christians than today. Yet despite the remarkable spread of Christianity, spiritual darkness, cultural, and societal decay are reaching unprecedented levels.

History has proven that the health of the church in every generation is directly linked to the health of the church’s leaders. When churches flourish, people and societies flourish. That’s why to put the education of church leaders first is to put the fulfillment of God's purposes for societies first.

God takes pleasure in pouring out his blessings on those who will dare to radically align their life purpose with his for the nations. 

The mission of Pathway Learning is to help underserved church leaders develop churches that fulfill God's purposes to transform lives and communities among all nations. As you watch this brief video (2:58)  "How can I find my purpose in God's?"  please prayerfully consider how you might align your life purpose more with God's through a partnership with Pathway Learning. Thank you.


Am I Called by God? (Calling, Part 1)


How can I make a lasting impact? (Ultimate Questions, Part 4)