Pathway Learning Blog
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Praying the Benediction: Hope in Theology Conclusion
Should you pray the ending of the Lord's Prayer if Jesus didn't teach it? Learn why church leaders probably added the traditional ending to the Lord’s Prayer, where they got it, and why you should learn to pray it in this final episode by Drs. Frame and Childers.

Praying for Our Protection: Hope in Theology Part 6
You must learn to pray for your protection because life is a battle that involves dangerous spiritual warfare that you cannot overcome by yourself. Learn how to ask God not to lead you into temptation but deliver you from evil in the Theology of Hope series by Drs. John Frame and Steve Childers.

Praying for Our Forgiveness: Hope in Theology Part 5
If God has already forgiven your sins, why ask God to forgive you? Learn why you should confess your sins even if you’re a forgiven, justified believer in Jesus Christ – Lesson 5 in Theology of Hope series by Drs. John Frame and Steve Childers.

Praying for Our Daily Bread: Hope in Theology Part 4
Learn how you can overcome two dangerous temptations in life (poverty and riches) that can easily divert you from God's kingdom mission, and how you can overcome anxiety by trusting in your heavenly Father to provide for you even when you suffer.

Praying for Our Father’s Kingdom and Will: Hope in Theology Part 3
Learn from Jesus how to align your life mission with God’s by praying the Lord’s Prayer in the new Theology of Hope series by Frame and Childers. In this lesson learn why and how Jesus taught us to pray for God’s kingdom and will to come on earth as it is in heaven.

Praying for Our Father’s Name to be Hallowed: Hope in Theology Part 2
Hallowing God’s name involves finding our ultimate joy and hope in God. Learn how in this new Theology of Hope series by Drs. John Frame & Steve Childers.

Understanding Hope and the Lord’s Prayer: Hope in Theology Part 1
Enflame your heart with new hope by learning how Jesus taught us to pray in this new series by Drs. John Frame & Steve Childers on Theology of Hope.

Introducing a Theology of Hope: A Biblical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer by Dr. John Frame
Preview the newly released book and course by Drs. John Frame & Steve Childers on Theology of Hope: A Biblical Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer. Learn how to develop a strong hope based on the Lord's Prayer and applied to all areas of your life.

God’s Triune Lordship in All Things: Perspectives Series Part 6
Learn how biblical perspectives rooted in the Trinity help us know, love, and serve God as our Triune Lord in all areas of life in Perspectives, Part 6 by Frame and Childers.

God’s Redemption and Restoration: Perspectives Series Part 5
The Christian hope is not merely life after death in heaven, but life after heaven in a new heavens and a new earth. Learn how Triune LORD re-establishes his kingdom on earth after the fall of humanity in Perspectives, Part 5 by Frame and Childers.

God’s Creation and the Fall: Perspectives Series Part 4
For you to grasp the fullness of your salvation in Christ, you must see the nature of God’s kingdom he created on earth and how it was overthrown. Learn the way God’s kingdom on earth is supposed to be and is not supposed to be in Perspectives, Part 4 by Frame and Childers.

God’s Triune Nature and Work: Perspectives Series Part 3
Learn how each member of the Trinity reveals unique aspects of his person and work in the history of God’s unfolding plan for the world. Deepen your knowledge of God by studying his triune nature and work in Perspectives, Part 3 by Frame and Childers.

God’s Attributes: Perspectives Series Part 2
Is God like a Father or a Judge? God graciously uses analogies to show us what he is like, but we must be careful because all analogies ultimately fall short. Learn how to deepen your knowledge of God by studying his attributes in Perspectives, Part 2 by Frame and Childers.

The Revelation of God: Perspectives Series Part 1
The revelation of God’s Triune Lordship in the gospel is not just a set of theological beliefs. It’s also a way of seeing God and all things, a perspective, that gives meaning and purpose to life. Learn why God must reveal his personal attributes for us to know him in Perspectives, Part 1.

Introduction to Perspectives by Dr. John M. Frame
Everyone has a worldview, a general mental picture of how the world fits together. Learn how to see your world through the perspectives of the triune God’s revelation of himself in the first episode of the Perspectives in Theology series by Drs John Frame and Steve Childers.

What is the Gospel? A Funeral Sermon in Honor of Mary Frame by Steve Childers
There were many beautiful stories shared in honor of Mary Frame by her family and friends at her funeral service. But John and Mary Frame asked Steve Childers to preach on another beautiful story at her funeral to honor someone else.

Corporate Worship Services: Worship Series Part 6
Our corporate worship should inspire our personal worship and our personal worship should culminate in our corporate worship. Learn practical ways your weekly worship can be more edifying to you and honoring to God in this new episode on worship by Drs. Frame and Childers.

Wholehearted Worship - Existential Perspective: Worship Series Part 5
Learn how to worship God with your whole being, including your mind, affections, and intentional, physical acts of your body in this new episode on existential perspective of Worship by Drs. Frame and Childers.

The Cultural Perspective of Worship: Worship Series Part 4
Should I lift up my arms in worship? Should I bow down? Learn how to avoid the twin dangers of blindly neglecting the worship practices of the past and rigidly adhering to them in the present in this new episode on cultural perspective of Worship by Drs. Frame and Childers.

The Biblical Perspective of Worship: Worship Series Part 3
How should you respond to church leaders who accuse you of displeasing God if you don’t worship according to their practices, when you can’t see these practices condemned or required in the Bible? Learn how in this new episode on Biblical Worship by Drs. Frame and Childers.