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Primary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 1

By Steve Childers

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Primary Ministry Calling: Calling Lesson 1 Steven L. Childers

Scripture teaches that all followers of Christ are called by God to the work of ministry. So, whether you’re in “the ministry”, a full-time homemaker, or in the marketplace, you’re called to full-time Christian service. In Martin Luther’s famous work, Babylonian Captivity, he wrote:

“A farmer in the field or his wife in the kitchen doing their work by faith to the glory of God is as high and holy a calling as a preacher in the pulpit.”

We must fight against the belief that only an elite group of religious people are called to “full-time Christian service”, as if the majority of Christians are only called to be part-time followers of Christ.

Except for the biblical teaching on the cross of Christ, nothing has had such a transforming impact on culture through the ages as a biblical understanding of the primary calling of God on all followers of Jesus Christ.

Learning Goals

In this lesson, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Define the biblical concept of a primary ministry calling

  • Distinguish between the calling of all believers and the calling of ordained leaders

  • Explain how all followers of Jesus are called by God, not just an elite group

  • Teach the history of separating "secular work" and "sacred calling"

  • Explain why the calling of ordained leaders is not superior to other callings

  • Defend the need for all believers to understand how they are called to ministry

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