Vision for Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 1
By Steve Childers
A vision for renewal includes seeing the renewal of individuals and churches as a means of seeing the renewal of our communities and nations through gospel renewal movements.
God means for healthy followers of Jesus and healthy churches to be compelling signs of his kingdom to come when Jesus returns, and effective instruments through which his kingdom comes on earth today in both word and deed.
This is why individual renewal must always include and lead to church renewal. And church renewal must always include and lead to the renewal of communities and eventually the discipling of all “nations.” (Matt 28:19)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to have a biblical vision for renewal by being equipped to:
Understand how renewal extends to all things affected by the Fall
Describe renewal as the restoration of creation for flourishing
Articulate how the vision of renewal affects three major areas
Explain personal renewal as both regenerative and transformative
Express various ways of restoration in church renewal
Grasp the need for community renewal through the gospel
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