By John Frame and Steve Childers

Knowing God the Son as Redeemer in His Humiliation: Faith-Creed Lesson 3
Steven L. Childers

To know God means to know who God is and what God does as Triune Lord – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Our focus last time was on knowing God the Father as Lord in his work of creation. Our focus this time is on knowing God the Son as Redeemer in His Humiliation: his birth, life, and death.

Join us as we delve into these life-changing truths about God the Son as Redeemer, including:

  • The unique person and two natures of the Son

  • The meaning of his names: Jesus Christ, Only Son, and Lord

  • The purpose of his incarnation and virgin birth

  • How he saved you by his sinless life of obedience

  • Why he had to die and what his death accomplished

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Knowing God the Son as Redeemer in His Exaltation: Faith in Theology, Lesson 4


Knowing God the Father as Creator: Faith in Theology, Lesson 2