Reference: St. Patrick’s Bad Analogies, @TheLutheranSatire, March 14, 2013

Many people associate today with the shamrock—a three-leaf clover and a well-known symbol of Ireland. A popular legend (though historically unverified) claims that St. Patrick used the shamrock as an analogy to illustrate the Trinity. While many attempts to explain the Trinity throughout history have been… well, a bit lacking, here’s a a short (and funny) video from LutherSatire that captures this historical struggle:

But the Trinity is more than just a theological puzzle—it’s Good News! Scripture reveals the triune God not only in his nature (his attributes) but also in his magnificent work (his acts) to rescue fallen humanity and the world from sin and all its consequences. It’s the good news about:
🔹 God the Father’s magnificent acts as Lord of Creation
🔹 God the Son’s magnificent acts as Lord of Redemption
🔹 God the Holy Spirit’s magnificent acts as Lord of Restoration

Want to go deeper? This brief video explains why the Trinity isn’t just an abstract doctrine—it’s the foundation of the gospel and the source of our joy! Watch this video to learn more:

May the grace of our triune Lord fill your heart today and always!

For the King!


Steve Childers

President, Pathway Learning


Perspectives Series Lesson Four: The Fall of the Father's Kingdom


Dance and the Grace of Discipline