Pathway Learning Blog
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🍀 A St. Patrick’s Day Laugh (and Some Life-Changing Theology!)
Many link St. Patrick’s Day to shamrocks, but St. Patrick is also known for teaching the Trinity. While some analogies fall short, the Trinity isn’t just a mystery—it’s Good News! Watch a funny 3:49 video and a 5:45 deep dive on how the triune God’s work shapes the gospel.

Dance and the Grace of Discipline
Discover how ballet and faith share a profound connection in Silas Farley’s reflections on discipline and freedom. Just as dancers train to move with grace, spiritual disciplines shape our souls. Read how commitment to prayer, Scripture, and community mirrors the artistry of dance.

The Main Thing: Priorities, Lesson 6
Do you love me? Learn the life-changing lesson Jesus taught Peter after he answered yes to this question. Learn how to make the main thing the main thing in lesson 6 in the Priorities Series by Steve Childers.

Product vs. Process Living: Priorities, Lesson 5
Discover how lasting joy in life and ministry comes when you learn how to find joy in the process, not just the product. Learn how to apply Elizabeth Elliott's challenge, "Don't let your living for tomorrow slay your living for today." in this series by Steve Childers.

Pursuing the Kingdom vs. the King: Priorities, Lesson 4
WARNING: You can pursue the Kingdom and not the King! Join us as we explore the profound difference between serving God as a faithful servant and a beloved child–in Lesson 4 of the Priorities Series by Steve Childers.

Goals vs. Desires: Priorities, Lesson 3
Feeling overwhelmed in ministry? Discover the freedom and peace that comes by applying Jesus’ teaching on anxiety in the Sermon on the Mount. Learn how to work toward your goals and pray for your desires in this series by Steve Childers.