Gospel-Centered Theology (Foundations in Theology, Part 6B)

Series: Foundations in Theology (Part 6B)

Authors: Drs. John M. Frame and Steven L. Childers

Title: Gospel-Centered Theology

The Scriptures present Jesus Christ at the center of the biblical story of salvation. They proclaim the good news that God’s kingdom has entered the world through Jesus, to redeem and restore fallen humanity and creation from all the consequences of sin.

The historical context for the biblical word “gospel” is the declaration of a news report about something big that has happened. It’s a proclamation about a set of events that God means to shape our lives–especially those events surrounding what God did in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

What is this good news about God’s kingdom? It’s that the Father’s creation, ruined by the Fall, is being redeemed by Christ and restored by God’s Spirit to become the kingdom of God on earth.

This good news includes gospel events, affirmations, promises, and demands.

  1. The Gospel Events are what Jesus did in his birth (incarnation), life, death, resurrection, and ascension.

  2. The Gospel Affirmations are who Jesus is (Lord and Savior), because of what he did.

  3. The Gospel Promises are what God promises all who are in Christ, including:

    • forgiveness and a new standing before God

    • a new nature and heart by the work of the Holy Spirit

    • a new community of the people of God—the church

    • a new world when Jesus returns—the New Heaven and New Earth

  4. The Gospel Demands are what God requires of people to be united to God in Christ and receive all the promised benefits of Jesus’ redemption. They are repentance, faith, and obedience.

The good news is that the redemption accomplished by God the Son is being applied by God the Spirit to restore all things lost in the Fall. It’s good news about God’s kingdom in the past, present, and future.

  • In the past, it’s the good news that God’s kingdom has already come to earth through the resurrection and ascension of Jesus—and the outpouring of God’s Spirit on his church.

  • In the present, it’s the good news that God’s kingdom is coming on earth today through the resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus Christ, by his Spirit and through his church.

  • And in the future, it’s the good news that one day God’s kingdom will come in all its fullness when Jesus returns to make all things new.
    Sound theology must be Christ-centered by being grounded in this biblical understanding of the gospel.

Sound theology understands the Scriptures to be presenting Jesus Christ as at the center of God’s plan of salvation. It proclaims the good news that God’s kingdom has entered the world through him, to redeem and restore fallen humanity and creation as far as the curse is found.


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