Pathway Learning Blog
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A Special Year-End Message From Pathway Learning Board Member Lyn Perez
As 2022 comes to an end, I want to thank you for being a friend of Pathway Learning and for staying connected with this vital ministry.

Called to Rule Now & Forever: Faith & Work Series Part 4
Before you were born, God prepared your good works to be a part of his plan for the world in both this age and the age to come.

Designed for Influence: Faith & Work Series Part 3
The reason we long to make a difference is because God designs us for influence. One of our most important spheres of influence is our work.

Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 4: An Outline and Paraphrase of Romans by F. F. Bruce
In order to understand and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans to our lives correctly we need to understand a basic outline of Paul’s thought in the letter. F. F. Bruce provides one of the best.

Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 3: The Context of Paul’s Letter to the Romans
In order to understand and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans to our lives correctly we need to understand the unique historical context and overarching message Paul wrote to the church in Rome.

Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 2: The Apostle Paul’s Message
In order to understand and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans to our lives correctly we need to understand the broader message of Paul in all his letters.

Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 1: The Historical Context
In order to understand and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans to our lives correctly we need to understand first the general historical context in which he wrote the letter.

Re-imaging Your Work as Worship: Faith & Work Series Part 2
We normally separate worship and work in a way that God doesn’t. As we take a deeper look at God’s original purpose for work, we learn that God’s purpose is to make everything he created even better through our work as his “sub-workers.” God sees our work as worship.

Why Your Work Matters to God: Faith and Work Series Part 1
In the beginning, God worked in creation and put humans in paradise to work. So work is not part of the curse but a vital part of God's original mission for humanity to flourish. However, the curse of sin sometimes makes our work painful, frustrating, and feel meaningless. The emphasis of this series is on helping you develop a more biblical and practical understanding of the ultimate value of your work as a calling from God.
A Year-End Message From Steve Childers
As the year comes to an end, I want to thank you for being a friend of Pathway Learning and for staying connected with this vital ministry.

A Special Year-End Message From Pathway Learning Board Member Lyn Perez
As the year comes to an end, I want to thank you for being a friend of Pathway Learning and for staying connected with this vital ministry.

Pray for Dr. John Frame’s wife, Mary
Dr. John Frame is asking us to join him in prayer for his dear wife, Mary, who was recently diagnosed with an aggressive type of brain cancer called glioblastoma (GBM). After her surgery on Dec. 3rd and an extended hospital recovery, she returned home December 18 and is scheduled to begin chemotherapy and radiation soon.

Merry Christmas and a FREE BOOK!
From all of us at Pathway Learning, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! To help you learn more about the fullness of God’s redemption blessings in Christ that will flow “far as the curse is found” we want to give you a FREE digital (PDF) study book (normally $9.99) by Dr. John Frame and me called “Perspectives in Theology.”

The Answer Our World Needs: A Personal Message From Steve Childers
Last night I spent an hour on a secure video conference answering questions (with a translator) from church leaders in the persecuted underground church in East Asia who are completing one of Pathway Learning’s Fall online and onsite church planting courses in Mandarin. It’s both humbling and thrilling to realize that only through Pathway Learning do they have access to this kind of practical, seminary-level training in their language and contextualized for their culture.

My Relationship With God in 20 Seconds
“We hate this dependency. It is nice to be save–once. When we face our lostness and are saved from it, we burst into song: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.” But it is not easy to live as a dependent daily. We don’t like to be pulled from the water, gasping and choking, day after day.” – Tim Stafford, Knowing the Face of God

Did Mary and Joseph have their own biological children after Jesus’ birth?
Some traditions teach that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin until her death. Other traditions teach that Joseph and Mary had several “normal” biological children after Jesus’ birth. How does the New Testament present Jesus’ “family” and “home” in Nazareth? Learn more.

Watch Video and Pray For the Persecuted Church in China on Third Anniversary of Pastor Wang Yi’s Imprisonment.
December 9th marks the three-year anniversary of the government’s raid on Early Rain Church and the imprisonment of their pastor Wang Yi. Watch this brief video and pray for the persecuted church in East Asia and Wang Yi who is still in prison.

Calvin on Angry Calvinists
Calvinists have a reputation for sometimes being angry and argumentative regarding Christian doctrine. Granted most Calvinists are not angry. But why does it seem to so many that there are a disproportionate number of cranky Calvinists?

Come Help Change the World! Help the Persecuted Underground Church in East Asia
Come Help Change The World: Help the Persecuted Underground Church in China. As a Christian, you're designed and called by God to make a lasting difference in the world. Learn how you can make a difference in East Asia and get a rare inside look at how Pathway Learning equips indigenous, underserved church leaders to plant and develop churches that transform lives and communities there.

Introduction to the Good News: A Biblical Exposition of the Gospel (Part 1)
It is hard to believe that after two thousand years the Christian church is still discussing, even debating, “What is the gospel?” The job is perilous. At one level it's very simple: God saves sinners. But further study draws us into a world of vast complexity and mystery. Read Dr. John Frame’s introduction to the new Applied Theology Project Series, “The Good News: A Biblical and Theological Exposition of the Gospel.”