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Heart of Renewal: Renewal Series Part 6
How does the gospel really change us? What’s our part? What’s God’s part? Take a deeper look at how the gospel brings personal renewal to the human heart, beginning with yours, in the Renewal Series Pt 6 by Steve Childers.

Spreading Renewal: Renewal Series Part 5
Paul would be shocked to find the church so horribly divided today. Since no single church has the gifts and resources needed to do effective ministry to a whole community, churches must partner with other churches. Learn more in the Renewal Series Pt 5 by Steve Childers.

Community Renewal: Renewal Series Part 4
What is the church’s role in transforming society? Should the church just focus on saving souls? The problem is a failure to have a biblical balance between the not yet and the already aspects of God’s kingdom on earth. Learn more in the Renewal Series Pt 4 by Steve Childers.

Church Renewal Dynamics: Renewal Series Part 3
The biblical dynamics of church renewal include always aligning God’s church with God’s mission of restoring people to God, one another, their community, and the world through Christ by his Spirit. Learn more in the new Renewal Series Part 3 by Steve Childers.