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Christological Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 6B
The Bible gives us a news report that something big has happened that should shape your entire life. Do you know the headline? Your theology must be grounded in a biblical understanding of the gospel. Learn more from Drs. Frame and Childers.

Restorative Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 6A
Did you know that the afterlife will be even better than Eden? Learn from Drs. Frame and Childers that the goal of your salvation is not only to forgive you and allow you into heaven when you die. God also promises to restore all your broken relationships in a New Earth forever.

Covenantal Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 5B
God carries out his plan for the world through Covenants. An essential key to understanding the Bible is understanding God’s Covenants. Learn about all the Bible’s covenants and how they find their fulfillment in the Christ of the Covenants from Drs. Frame and Childers.

The Redemptive-Historical Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 5A
Warning: Do not study theology only as a list of disconnected topics. Learn the ancient Trinitarian method used by Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bavinck, et. al. that sees the essence of salvation as re-creation by the Triune God in this series by Drs. Frame and Childers.

The Trinitarian Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 4B
Learn how to see Scripture and all of life using this ancient Trinitarian method used by prominent theologians throughout history. The Trinity is both a doctrine and a perspective – a way of seeing all doctrine and life. Learn how from Drs. Frame and Childers.