Pathway Learning Blog
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How to Keep Praying and Not Give Up: Prayer, Lesson 6
Learn how to keep praying with confidence and not give up, even when you see no answers. Discover how trusting in God's timing can transform your prayers and your life in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Learning How to Pray from Jesus: Prayer, Lesson 5
Discover the power of aligning your prayers with God's kingdom purposes. Explore how the Lord's Prayer is a radical blueprint for a kingdom-aligned life and ministry.

Prayer in the Book of Acts: Prayer, Lesson 4
Learn how prayer was the driving force behind the early church's mission and how it can transform your spiritual life today in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Lessons from Jesus’ Prayer Life: Prayer, Lesson 3
Learn lessons from Jesus' prayer life that can transform yours. Discover how Jesus’ prayers shaped his life mission and can also shape yours in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Prayer and the Kingdom of God: Prayer, Lesson 2
Learn how to Pray Kingdom Prayers: Explore the Bible's profound connection between prayer, God's kingdom, and God's mission in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

How to Pray in a Crisis: Prayer, Lesson 1
Learn the importance of prayer in overcoming ministry struggles in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

How to Pray in a Crisis (Prayer, Part 1)
When we face trials and difficulties in life and ministry, we must learn that those are times God is calling us to prayer. “Instead of fighting anxiety, we can use it as a springboard to bending our hearts to God. Instead of trying to suppress anxiety, manage it, or smother it with pleasure, we can turn our anxiety toward God.” – Paul Miller, A Praying Life