From all of us here at Pathway Learning, we want to wish you a very happy and safe new year!

And we have some great news: We have received a matching grant for up to $50,000. Your gift will be doubled and will help Pathway meet the extraordinary demand we are receiving for our training.

When we first designed our innovative online and onsite courses for church leaders who could not access affordable training in traditional schools, we had no idea that the world would be turned upside down by a pandemic.

But today we give thanks to God for the remarkable compatibility of our courses with the new realities of our COVID-19 world, and the amazing new doors God is now opening for us to serve around the world.

The map above shows the areas of the world where church leaders are taking Pathway Learning online courses. But we also serve hundreds, maybe thousands, more church leaders around the world who do not have access to the internet – especially in Muslim West African and the persecuted in China.

For a closer look at some of our major global projects, just pick one below, click the link, and praise God with us for what he did in 2020:

Can we count on you to help us in 2021?

Your help now tells us that you want to join with us and be a vital part of this unique ministry opportunity to help church leaders develop strong, healthy churches that transform lives and communities worldwide this new year.

May God richly bless you and your family in 2021.

For the King!


PS: Donate now. Remember, a gift of $100 means $200 to Pathway Learning. Please prayerfully consider us in your end of the year giving. Thanks again!

Steven L. Childers

President and CEO, Pathway Learning



Give using your credit card through our secure online form


Call us at 407-682-6942

Check by Regular Mail

Pathway Learning, P.O. Box 2062

Winter Park, FL 32790

Matching Gift

Your employer may also be able to double your gift. Please ask them.

Give a Gift of Stock

You may give securities either by transfer of the certificate of ownership or through account transfer arranged by your broker. In each case, you avoid the tax on any potential gain and receive a deduction for the full fair market value of securities. To give a gift of stock, email us at staff@pathwaylearning.org, call us at 407-682-6942, or write us at P.O. Box 2062, Winter Park, FL 32790.


Your Support Gives Hope to the Persecuted Christians in China


Your Support Gives Hope to Persecuted Christians in China