Read Key Papers by Pastor Wang Yi and Persecuted Chinese Church Leaders in Several Languages

Editor’s note: Over 100 members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China, were arrested beginning Sunday, December 9. Among those taken away were Pastor Wang Yi, senior pastor of Early Rain, and his wife, Jiang Rong. Pastor Wang Yi and his elder Timothy Li Yingquiang are still in custody, along with others.

Wang Yi is one of China's most prominent protestant pastors, a respected intellectual, a legal scholar, a renowned human rights advocate, and a church movement leader. His Early Rain Covenant Church is one of the best known unregistered "house" churches in China. 

Under President Xi Jinping, China's increasing crackdown on religious freedom is escalating especially since a new set of regulations to govern religious affairs came into effect in February 2018 to increase punishments for "unofficial churches" like Early Rain. This story is being reported in the New York Times,Wall Street Journal,Reuters, AP NewsWorld Magazine.

All of the documents below are primary source documents written in Chinese by the persecuted church leaders at Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China as well as important documents signed by groups of Chinese church leaders.

Please pray and share with others. Thanks!

Key Papers by Persecuted Chinese Church Leaders

1. Chinese Churches Appeal for Prayer and Help for Persecuted Early Rain Church(华西区会致基督众教会的代祷信)

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

To read the Japanese translation: Click Here

2. Urgent Prayer Updates Directly From Persecuted Early Rain Church in China(秋雨圣约教会紧急代祷信息)

To read the original Chinese updates(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation of updates: Click Here

3. My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience (我的声明:信仰上的抗命) – Early Rain Church Pastor and Legal Scholar, Wang Yi(王怡牧师)*

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

To read the French translation: Click Here

To read the Japanese translation: Click Here

To read the Italian translation: Click Here

To read the Korean translation: Click Here

* More translations coming soon, we hope.

4. In The Face of Persecution, What Will I Do? (14 Step Plan) (面对逼迫,我会怎么做) – Early Rain Church Pastor and Legal Scholar, Wang Yi (王怡牧师)

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

5. How the Church Should Face Persecution(教会如何面对逼迫)– Early Rain Church Elder and School Headmaster Li Yingqiang(李英强长老)

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

6. Church-State Conflict: 20 Ways Persecution is God’s Way to Shepherd Us (政教冲突的属灵益处) – Pastor Wang Yi (王怡牧师)

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

7. Reaffirming Our Stance On The House Churches (95 Theses) (我们对家庭教会立场的重申 (九十五条)) – by Wang Yi and Early Rain Church Leaders

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

8. A Joint Statement by Pastors: A Declaration for the Sake of the Christian Faith (11th edition, 458 pastors) (牧者联署:为基督信仰的声明)

To read the original Chinese document(中文): Click Here

To read the English translation: Click Here

Please share these documents with others for prayer. Thanks.


God’s Conditional Love (Evangelism, Part 4A)


The Way Up is the Way Down: Evangelism (Part 3C)