Pathway Learning Blog

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A Special Year-End Message From Pathway Learning Board Member Lyn Perez
A Tribute to Jay Kyle by Tim Keller

A Tribute to Jay Kyle by Tim Keller

We’re all deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Jay Kyle. Jay and his wife Maureen were Mission to the World missionaries for 32 years. Then, with encouragement from Tim Keller and Redeemer City to City, Jay co-founded China Partnership in 2001. Read Tim Keller’s moving tribute to Jay.

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Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 3: The Context of Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 2: The Apostle Paul’s Message
Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 1: The Historical Context
A Year-End Message From Steve Childers
A Special Year-End Message From Pathway Learning Board Member Lyn Perez
Merry Christmas and a FREE BOOK!

Merry Christmas and a FREE BOOK!

From all of us at Pathway Learning, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! To help you learn more about the fullness of God’s redemption blessings in Christ that will flow “far as the curse is found” we want to give you a FREE digital (PDF) study book (normally $9.99) by Dr. John Frame and me called “Perspectives in Theology.”

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The Answer Our World Needs: A Personal Message From Steve Childers

The Answer Our World Needs: A Personal Message From Steve Childers

Last night I spent an hour on a secure video conference answering questions (with a translator) from church leaders in the persecuted underground church in East Asia who are completing one of Pathway Learning’s Fall online and onsite church planting courses in Mandarin. It’s both humbling and thrilling to realize that only through Pathway Learning do they have access to this kind of practical, seminary-level training in their language and contextualized for their culture.

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Persecuted Early Rain Church Elder, Family Harassed and Threatened After Return to Chengdu

Persecuted Early Rain Church Elder, Family Harassed and Threatened After Return to Chengdu

In December 2018, Elder Li Yingqiang of Early Rain Covenant Church was arrested with Pastor Wang Yi and other leaders and jailed for 8 months in Chengdu, China. Li was then released on probation for one year, during which time he was required to leave Chengdu and live in his hometown. Learn what happened next.

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Biblical and Social Evidence for a Justice-Oriented Church by PCA Covenant College Students

Biblical and Social Evidence for a Justice-Oriented Church by PCA Covenant College Students

Covenant College students Aaron Anand, Sarah Lane Cochrane, Abby Gienapp, Will Payne, Ryan Rhodes, and Mark Roos published in their student newspaper, The Bagpipe, an online article (below) titled “Freedom in Christ to Obey His Word: A Response to Rev. Andy Wilson.”

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Declaration by Christians in Hong Kong in Support of Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Church in Chengdu

Declaration by Christians in Hong Kong in Support of Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Church in Chengdu

We are a group of Christians based in Hong Kong who care about the well-being of churches in China. We are gravely concerned about the prosecution and sentencing of Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Covenant Church for 9 years by the Intermediate People’s Court in Chengdu on 30 December 2019, under the charges of “inciting subversion of state power” and “unlawful business operation”. The following is our statement in this regard

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Statement from Persecuted Early Rain Church Regarding Severe Sentence of their Pastor Wang Yi

Statement from Persecuted Early Rain Church Regarding Severe Sentence of their Pastor Wang Yi

Since December 9th, 2018, our church’s senior pastor Wang Yi has been imprisoned on charges of “inciting to subvert state power” and “illegal business operations.” On December 26th, 2019, he was secretly tried at the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court.

On December 30th, the court announced that Pastor Wang Yi was sentenced to 9 years in prison and fined 50,000 RMB. Our church issues the following statement to clarify our position

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China Sentences Prominent Pastor Wang Yi to Nine Years in Prison for Subversion

China Sentences Prominent Pastor Wang Yi to Nine Years in Prison for Subversion

Wang Yi is one of China's most prominent protestant pastors, a respected intellectual, a legal scholar, a renowned human rights advocate, and a church movement leader. On Monday morning (Beijing time), December 30, 2019, the Chinese government sentenced pastor Wang Yi to nine years in prison on charges of inciting subversion of state power.

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My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience – Pastor Wang Yi (English Translation)

My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience – Pastor Wang Yi (English Translation)

Wang Yi is one of China's most prominent protestant pastors, a respected intellectual, a legal scholar, a renowned human rights advocate, and a church movement leader.

Pastor Wang Yi wrote the declaration below to be published by his church should he be detained for more than 48 hours. In it he explains the meaning and necessity of faithful disobedience, how it is distinct from political activism or civil disobedience, and how Christians should carry it out.

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Join Worldwide Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church in China on December 9th

Join Worldwide Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church in China on December 9th

On December 9th, 2018, authorities arrested more than 100 members and leaders of Early Rain Covenant Church(秋雨圣约教会), including their pastor, Wang Yi, who along with his wife were charged with “inciting to subvert state power.” Pastor Wang Yi is still in jail awaiting trial. China Partnership is calling for a worldwide day of prayer for all churches in China on this day. Included is a helpful prayer guide.

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Read Key Papers by Pastor Wang Yi and Persecuted Chinese Church Leaders in Several Languages

Read Key Papers by Pastor Wang Yi and Persecuted Chinese Church Leaders in Several Languages

Read these primary source documents written in Chinese by the persecuted church leaders at Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China as well as important documents signed by groups of Chinese church leaders and translated into various languages.

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Urgent Prayer Update 32 Directly From Persecuted Early Rain Church in China (English)

Urgent Prayer Update 32 Directly From Persecuted Early Rain Church in China (English)

These urgent prayer updates (below) are directly from Early Rain Covenant Church seeking prayer and help from the watching world, especially followers of Christ. At the time of this post, there are 32 updates, ranging from December 9, 2018 to March 24, 2019.

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These Chinese urgent prayer updates (below) are directly from Early Rain Covenant Church seeking prayer and help from the watching world, especially followers of Christ. At the time of this post, there are 32 updates, ranging from December 9, 2018 to March 24, 2019.

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