Pathway Learning Blog
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Hope: Longing for One Kiss and One Song that Never Played
“I love that it [this line] is being questioned in that it means the poetry of the lyric is doing its job. And that job, or one of them, is to evoke deep feeling and imagery in an expansive way so that each reader/singer can see some of their deepest moments within them though having lived very different circumstances from one another.” – T. L. Moody

Restorative Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 6A
Did you know that the afterlife will be even better than Eden? Learn from Drs. Frame and Childers that the goal of your salvation is not only to forgive you and allow you into heaven when you die. God also promises to restore all your broken relationships in a New Earth forever.

Paying It Forward: Faith & Work Series Part 6
The age to come will not be an eternal day off. Everything of ultimate worth from our work in this life will somehow enrich us in the age to come.

Join God’s Cosmic Restoration Project: Faith & Work Series Part 5
As a follower of Jesus Christ, God's mission on earth through your work includes not only this life but also the life to come on earth.