What in the World is God Doing? (Ultimate Questions, Part 2)

Series: Ultimate Questions (Part 2)

Authors: Drs. John M. Frame and Steven L. Childers

Title: What in the World is God Doing?

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Last week, we explored biblical answers to the ancient question,“How do we find purpose in life?” In this week's video (3:00), we explore another related ultimate question of the ages: “What in the World is God doing?” You’ll learn how to look at history through the biblical lens of a 5-Act Play and what Act you're in today!

Ultimate questions are asked by every generation. Questions like:

♦  How do we find purpose in life?

♦  What in the World is God doing? 

♦  What is God's purpose for the world?

♦  How is God carrying out his purpose?

♦  How can I find my purpose in Gods?


Is there any hope for the future? (Ultimate Questions, Part 3)


Is History A Meaningless Cycle of Events? (Ultimate Questions, Part 1)