During this time of year we’re often asked to consider giving financially to many worthy organizations and ministries. I realize that Pathway Learning is just one of many. It can be easy to hold on to our money tightly or give dutifully and not with joy.

Giving can be difficult and sometimes scary because it means that we are choosing to have less. But it’s important for us to give. Here are five reasons why we should give that I hope you’ll find encouraging:

FIRST, our giving helps others.

Our giving can be a huge blessing to others in need. God blesses us not merely for our sake but also for the sake of those in spiritual darkness and all forms of poverty (2 Cor 8:13-14).

SECOND, our giving shows our gratitude.

Our giving shows that we are thankful to God for all that he has given us. Our generosity is a display of our genuine gratitude (2 Cor 9:11-12).

THIRD, our giving blesses us.

Our giving helps break the idolatrous lure of money over us and give us new affections for who and what we support. It’s in giving that we receive (Phil 4:17-18).

FOURTH, our giving increases our faith.

Our giving increases our need to trust more in God to provide for us in the future. As we give, God invites us to rest more deeply in his provision for us (Matt 5:25-34).

FIFTH, our giving honors God.

Our giving is a display of our obedience to God that honors and glorifies him. God is honored not only through us by our giving but also through the many others who receive our gifts (2 Cor 9:13).

Our giving reminds us who really owns all that we have. We’re not the owners, God is. We’re his stewards for a brief time called to be faithful. As you do your end-of-year giving, please prayerfully consider giving to Pathway Learning as one you will support. 

Gratefully in Christ,

Steve Childers

PS: Your gift, given by midnight on December 31, will help us end this year strong, ready for 2020 and the future. Please use this convenient link to give online now. To give by check, our mailing address is Pathway Learning, P.O. Box 2062, Winter Park, FL 32790. Thank you!


My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience – Pastor Wang Yi (English Translation)


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