Pathway Learning Blog
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Watch Video and Pray For the Persecuted Church in China on Third Anniversary of Pastor Wang Yi’s Imprisonment.
December 9th marks the three-year anniversary of the government’s raid on Early Rain Church and the imprisonment of their pastor Wang Yi. Watch this brief video and pray for the persecuted church in East Asia and Wang Yi who is still in prison.

Calvin on Angry Calvinists
Calvinists have a reputation for sometimes being angry and argumentative regarding Christian doctrine. Granted most Calvinists are not angry. But why does it seem to so many that there are a disproportionate number of cranky Calvinists?

Come Help Change the World! Help the Persecuted Underground Church in East Asia
Come Help Change The World: Help the Persecuted Underground Church in China. As a Christian, you're designed and called by God to make a lasting difference in the world. Learn how you can make a difference in East Asia and get a rare inside look at how Pathway Learning equips indigenous, underserved church leaders to plant and develop churches that transform lives and communities there.

Introduction to the Good News: A Biblical Exposition of the Gospel (Part 1)
It is hard to believe that after two thousand years the Christian church is still discussing, even debating, “What is the gospel?” The job is perilous. At one level it's very simple: God saves sinners. But further study draws us into a world of vast complexity and mystery. Read Dr. John Frame’s introduction to the new Applied Theology Project Series, “The Good News: A Biblical and Theological Exposition of the Gospel.”

Good News About God’s Mission (What is the Gospel?, Part 2)
Did you know the good news of God's salvation is as wide as creation? The Bible gives us a broad understanding of the Gospel as good news about the Triune God’s historic mission of redemption for the restoration of his fallen universe and in particular his fallen human race. Read the first chapter from Drs. Frame and Childers new Applied Theology Project book, “Good News: A Biblical Exposition of Gospel.”

Good News About God’s Kingdom (What is the Gospel?, Part 3)
The Bible teaches that the gospel is not only good news about God’s mission to redeem and restore fallen creation and humanity. It’s also good news about God’s kingdom coming to earth in three amazing ways.

Good News About God’s King (What is the Gospel?, Part 4)
The Bible teaches that the gospel is not only good news about God’s kingdom coming to earth. It’s also good news about God’s King–especially: 6 events he did on earth, 2 descriptions of who he is because of what he did, and 3 promises God makes to all who will follow him in repentance and faith.

The Good News: A New Standing (What is the Gospel?, Part 5)
The gospel is a multi-faceted jewel that reveals multiple perspectives on the amazing grace of God for all who are in Jesus Christ. Learn 3 biblical perspectives (propitiation, justification, and adoption) on God’s amazing grace found in our new standing with God in Christ.

The Good News: A New Heart – Holy Spirit! (What is the Gospel?, Part 6)
In Acts 2, the Apostle Peter promised two gifts to all who believe in Jesus: 1) Forgiveness and 2) Holy Spirit. Learn 3 biblical perspectives (regeneration, redemption, sanctification) on God’s amazing grace found in the person and work of God’s Holy Spirit in your life.

The Good News: A New Life of Renewal (What is the Gospel?, Part 7)
The goal of the gospel is not just to forgive us, but to change us into true worshippers of God and authentic lovers of people. Our new life from God includes our transformation into the image of his Son. How does God conform us to the image of his Son?
Come Help Change the World! Help Serve the Rural Poor in Muslim West Africa
Come Help Change The World: Serve the Rural Poor in Muslim West Africa. As a Christian, you're designed and called by God to make a lasting difference in the world. Learn how you can make a difference in West Africa and get a rare inside look at how Pathway Learning equips indigenous, underserved church leaders to plant and develop churches that transform lives and communities in Muslim West Africa.

Celebrate Advent With Pathway Learning and a Free Book!
Enter this Advent season of worship and giving by downloading a FREE digital (PDF) study book (normally $9.99) from Pathway Learning by Drs. John Frame and Steve Childers called “Cultivating Biblical Worship.”

Pop Quiz: What is the Gospel? Part 2
The heart of the gospel of the kingdom is the good news about God’s King whom the Apostle Mark calls, “Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” The Scriptures present Jesus at the center of the biblical story of salvation. Learn three things about God’s King and three promises God makes to all who will follow him in repentance and faith.

Pop Quiz: What is the Gospel?, Part 1
How would you answer the question, “What is the gospel?? Compare your answer with Jesus’ answer. In this first of two articles, learn how the Bible gives us a broad understanding of the gospel in several unfolding historical events that reveal the Triune God’s purpose for the whole universe and in particular the human race.

Praying the Benediction (Theology of Hope, Conclusion)
In this article, we learn why church leaders probably added this benediction to the Lord’s Prayer (based on King David’s temple prayer) and why we should pray it.

Praying for Our Protection (Theology of Hope, Part 6)
What does it mean to ask our heavenly Father not to lead us into temptation? Will God purposefully lead us into situations that will tempt us to sin? The idea that God would lead us into temptation has confused and troubled many followers of Jesus throughout history.

Praying for Our Forgiveness (Theology of Hope, Part 5)
Why should believers who are justified continue to confess their sins? In this article, we learn how and why Jesus teaches his followers to pray for forgiveness.

Praying for Our Daily Bread (Theology of Hope, Part 4)
In this article, we learn that in any and every circumstance, when facing plenty or hunger, Jesus instructs us to keep asking our heavenly Father to give us each day exactly what we need to honor his name and carry out his will–and then trust in him and his promise to give us exactly what we need.

Praying for Our Father’s Kingdom and Will (Theology of Hope, Part 3)
We can’t fully understand the meaning of the first petition “Hallowed be your name” apart from understanding the meaning of the second and third “Your kingdom come” and “Your will be done.” This is because the Father’s name is hallowed by the coming of his kingdom, and the way the Father’s kingdom comes is by his will being done on the earth.

Praying that Our Father in Heaven will Hallow His Own Name (Theology of Hope, Part 2)
In this Applied Theology series of courses and books, you’ll learn a Trinitarian theology of faith, hope, and love by understanding and applying to your life what the Bible teaches about: 1) Faith found in the Apostles’ Creed, 2) Hope found in the Lord’s Prayer, and 3) Love found in the Ten Commandments.