By John Frame and Steve Childers

To know God means to know who God is and what God does as Triune Lord – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • First, we learned the biblical teaching on the person and work of the Father as Creator

  • Next, we learned the biblical teaching about the person and work of the Son as Redeemer

  • Now we begin the biblical teaching on the person and work of the Holy Spirit as Restorer

The Holy Spirit, the eternal third person of the Trinity, has a fully divine nature as equal to the Father and the Son. He is not a mere force but a person who can be grieved, who has a will, and has fellowship with believers. His work is giving and restoring life by imparting God’s transforming presence.

In this lesson, you'll be equipped to:

  • Explain the biblical teaching on the Lordship of the Holy Spirit

  • Illustrate the nature and work of the Holy Spirit in the present age

  • Recognize the role of the Holy Spirit in applying Christ salvation

  • Discover how the Holy Spirit creates the “communion of saints”

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Knowing God the Spirit as Future Restorer: Faith in Theology, Lesson 6


Knowing God the Son as Redeemer in His Exaltation: Faith in Theology, Lesson 4