By John Frame and Steve Childers

Knowing God the Spirit as Future Restorer: Faith-Creed Lesson 6
Steven L. Childers

The Bible teaches that in the future, the triune God’s magnificent work of redeeming and restoring fallen humanity and creation will continue when Jesus returns to establish the fullness of God’s kingdom on earth forever–through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Apostles’ Creed affirms three biblical truths regarding this restoring work of God’s Spirit in the age to come:

1) The Resurrection Day: every person who has ever lived will be raised from the dead

2) The Judgment Day: including unbelievers, believers, Satan, and his fallen angels

3) The New World: the fullness of God’s kingdom will come to earth as everlasting life

In this lesson, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Describe the resurrection of the living and the dead when Jesus returns

  • Compare and contrast the resurrection of believers and unbelievers

  • Explain the coming judgment of the living and the dead when Jesus returns

  • Describe the hope and assurance of the believer in God’s final judgment

  • Understand the nature and hope of the new world to come when Jesus returns

  • Explain the role of the Spirit in the believer’s hope for their inheritance

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Ministry Success: Priorities, Lesson 1


Knowing God the Spirit as Present Restorer: Faith in Theology, Lesson 5