Pathway Learning Podcast

Gospel-Centered Theology: Foundations Series Part 6B
Creation Regained: Foundations Series Part 6A

Creation Regained: Foundations Series Part 6A

Did you know that the afterlife will be even better than Eden? Learn from Drs. Frame and Childers that the goal of your salvation is not only to forgive you and allow you into heaven when you die. God also promises to restore all your broken relationships in a New Earth forever.

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Covenantal Foundation: Foundations Series Part 5B
The Redemptive-Historical Foundation: Foundations Series Part 5A
The Trinitarian Foundation: Foundations Series Part 4B
The Lordship Foundation: Foundations Series Part 4A

The Lordship Foundation: Foundations Series Part 4A

“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” Learn how to see this vision of God’s present rule as Lord over all things in this series by Drs. Frame and Childers.

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The Missional Foundation: Foundations Series Part 3B

The Missional Foundation: Foundations Series Part 3B

WARNING: Do not fragment the Bible into bits! It’s possible to understand doctrine and not know the Bible’s overarching “story in the stories” of God's mission from Genesis to Revelation. Learn how God’s revealed mission should shape your theology – and life!

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The Biblical Foundation: Foundations Series Part 3A

The Biblical Foundation: Foundations Series Part 3A

Any form of traditionalism that demands a total alignment with a theological tradition, divorced from a higher commitment to sola Scriptura, can lead to spiritual ruin. Be on guard against the danger of placing more value on creeds and confessions than on the Bible.

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What is Sound Theology?: Foundations Series Part 2

What is Sound Theology?: Foundations Series Part 2

How can we know if our theology is sound? With so many creeds, confessions, and doctrinal statements, which ones should we affirm? Although the Bible is infallible, our understanding of it is not. Learn how to develop sound theology.

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Why We All Must Be Theologians: Foundations Series Part 1