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Process of a Leader’s Calling: Calling, Lesson 5
Is God calling you to church leadership? Learn four practical ways to confirm your call. Discover the process involved in four time-tested ways to confirm if God is calling you into church leadership – in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Elements of a Leader’s Calling: Calling, Lesson 4
How can you know if you’re called to be a church leader? Learn about the divinely inspired church leader’s job description. Discover four ways to know if you're called to be a church leader–in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Church Leader Calling: Calling, Lesson 3
Explore the essential calling of church leaders to equip followers of Christ for effective ministry. Uncover the biblical foundation for church leadership and its impact in ministry in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Secondary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 2
Discover why your work matters to God! Find out how the popular view of being called to the ministry is the opposite of the biblical view in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Primary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 1
Learn why you must fight against the belief that only an elite group of religious people are called by God to a life of ministry. Explore why nothing has had such a transforming impact on culture as a biblical understanding of God's call on your life in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Dear Behzad: A Letter From My Daughter to My Spiritual Father Before His Death
My youngest daughter, Laura, who had never met him, asked me if she could also write him an email. And she did. He told me later that words cannot express how much her email meant to him just before his open-heart surgery. Little did any of us know that Behzad would keep Laura’s2014 letter and draw great comfort from reading it again prior to his death last week. Behzad wanted me to share Laura’s letter with his family and friends again. So, here it is:

Reflections On The Passing Of My Spiritual Father: Behzad Pakizegi
My spiritual father's departure from this life came last night. He is now with Christ and no longer suffering. I'll never forget the first time I met him in the Fall of 1973. I had gone with friends to disrupt a floor meeting in my freshman dormitory advertised as a presentation of the claims and credentials of Christ. After we disrupted the meeting, suddenly, a dark bearded Middle Eastern man stood up and walked toward us, carrying a Bible and smiling broadly.

How Can I Confirm My Call to be a Leader? (Calling, Part 5)
There’s no secret formula for learning how to confirm your call to be a church leader. However, biblical principles, godly wisdom and real-life experience can help you confirm you call to church leadership.

What are the Four Elements that Confirm a Call to Church Leadership? (Calling, Part 4)
We're going to look at four elements, and we will call them true spirituality element number one, and then proven ability, number two, element three would be virtuous affinity, and then the last one, four, would be confirmed opportunity. These are concepts that sum up the major characteristics of someone we would call a church leader.

Am I Called by God to be a Church Leader? (Calling, Part 3)
God gives a very specific secondary calling to equip God’s people to do the work of the ministry.

Am I Called by God to Ministry? (Calling, Part 2)
One of the greatest misunderstandings in church leadership is the belief that God calls only a select few to do the work of the ministry.

Am I Called by God? (Calling, Part 1)
In this session our focus is on the nature of God’s calling as being two-fold: 1) A Primary Call to All Followers of Christ, and 2) A Secondary Call to Ordained Leaders in a church based ministry.