Pathway Learning Blog
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Good News of a New Standing, Forgiveness: The Gospel of God, Chapter 4
Explore the life-changing good news that you are not only a pardoned criminal, but also an accepted and beloved child of God in the new series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

How Can I Forgive Someone Who’s Wronged Me?: Managing Conflict Series Part 6
The final step in resolving all conflicts is to forgive those who wrong you and be reconciled to them. But how can I forgive someone who wronged me? Learn more.

How Do I Own Conflict as a Chief Repenter?: Managing Conflict Series Part 5
Be the “chief repenter” by learning 7 marks of a genuine, biblical confession. One of the most liberating acts in life is to confess your sin, not only to God but to another person. Learn how.

How Do I Engage Conflict Wisely?: Managing Conflict Series Part 4
When someone’s sin is too serious to overlook, Jesus gives us a detailed step-by-step process through which we are to confront them in a loving yet firm manner – always with the goal of their restoration. Learn how.

How Do I Manage Conflict?: Managing Conflict Series Part 3
People can still hurt us deeply but they cannot crush us and rob our joy when we learn how to believe in the gospel. We can be liberated to forgive and love others well when we learn how deeply Christ forgives and loves us.