Pathway Learning Blog
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Good News of a New Standing, Forgiveness: The Gospel of God, Chapter 4
Explore the life-changing good news that you are not only a pardoned criminal, but also an accepted and beloved child of God in the new series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

Dr. John Frame Honored by Westminster Seminary at 94th Commencement in Philadelphia
Dr. John Frame was honored by Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for his “steadfast service to Christ and longstanding teaching ministry” at the seminary’s 94th annual commencement ceremony on May 25th. Learn more.

What’s Good About Good Friday?
On Good Friday we’re reminded of the good news of God’s love for us displayed in the death of his Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Frame and Childers help you deepen your understanding of Jesus' death for you by expounding the meaning of the biblical word "propitiation."

Good News About Good Friday
God was able to create the world out of nothing by just the power of his word. But God is not able to forgive you by just “deciding” to forgive you. You’ll never know the depth of God’s love for you until you first know the depth of God’s wrath poured out on Christ for you in the cross.