Pathway Learning Blog
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Dr. John Frame Honored by Westminster Seminary at 94th Commencement in Philadelphia
Dr. John Frame was honored by Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for his “steadfast service to Christ and longstanding teaching ministry” at the seminary’s 94th annual commencement ceremony on May 25th. Learn more.

The Practice of Mercy: Mercy Part 6
When Helping Hurts: How you understand and define poverty will determine how you help alleviate poverty. Learn three effective approaches to help mobilize your church to have a more effective mercy ministry in this new Mercy course and book by Dr. Steve Childers.

The Heart for Mercy: Mercy Part 5
Learn how to develop a heart of mercy like the Apostle Paul's that was "eager" to care for the poor. And learn why caring for the poor was not just a duty to Paul, but an act of worship in this new Mercy series by Dr. Steve Childers.

The Goal of Mercy: Mercy Part 4
You're called to show mercy to those who suffer from broken relationships–with God, themselves, others, and the world. Just as there are different types of brokenness, so there are different types of parallel ministries of mercy. Learn more in the new Pathway Learning series.

The Vision for Mercy: A Sneak Preview, Mercy Part 3
When you show mercy to the poor you display a “sneak preview” of God’s kingdom to come on the earth when Jesus returns. Learn more in the new Mercy series by Dr. Steve Childers.

The Four Key Marks of Mercy: Mercy Part 2
God calls you to be a channel of his mercy in both the church and world. Learn the four key marks of biblical mercy to help you fulfill your calling– in the new Mercy Series by Dr. Steve Childers.

“I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body”: A Biblical Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed
Learn how to look forward to YOUR resurrection from the dead and the life to come in the new book and course by Drs. Frame and Childers, "Theology of Faith: A Biblical Exposition of the Apostles' Creed."

What’s Good About Good Friday?
On Good Friday we’re reminded of the good news of God’s love for us displayed in the death of his Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Frame and Childers help you deepen your understanding of Jesus' death for you by expounding the meaning of the biblical word "propitiation."

The Ministry of Mercy: Mercy Part 1
Jesus calls you to follow him in his earthly ministry of mercy through his church. Did you know the most effective mercy ministry method under heaven is a healthy local church? Learn more in the new Mercy series by Dr. Steve Childers.