John Frame’s New Book, “Selected Writings Volume 3” Now Published

Good news! Dr. John M. Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings Volume 3 (P&R) has been published. Dr. Frame has distinguished himself as a prolific author and one of America’s foremost theologians and philosophers—significantly shaping the thought of Evangelicalism today.

Many of today’s most influential Christian leaders and authors, such as Tim Keller and John Piper, readily acknowledge the significant impact John Frame has had on them. He is also a dear friend and colleague who has significantly shaped my theology, life, and ministry for many years.

Although widely known and deeply respected in church leadership and academic circles for decades, his works are finally becoming more known to the general public.

After publishing his award-winning Systematic Theology (1276 pages) in November 2013 he began following the tradition of John Calvin (Tracts and Treatises), Jonathan Edwards (Miscellanies), B. B. Warfield (Selected Shorter Writings),and Herman Bavinck (Selected Shorter Works) finishing his writing career by publishing “everything he’s always wanted to write but hasn’t” in his Selected Shorter Writings.

Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings Volume 1 was published in March 2014, his Selected Shorter Writings Volume 2 was published in February 2015, and now his third volume, Selected Shorter Writings Volume 3 has recently been published by P & R Publishing.

This volume (366 pages), with an excellent foreword by RTS-Orlando Seminary President Don Sweeting, contains 34 short, pointed essays summarizing more of Frame’s central thought (and a few peripheral thoughts) and is divided into six parts: 1) Nature and Method of Theology, 2) Theological Issues, 3) Epistemology and Apologetics, 4) The Church, 5) Ethics, and 6) Sermons and Addresses. Some of Frame's most helpful, and sometimes provocative, essays in this volume include:

  • Machen’s Warrior Children

  • What Seminaries Can Do Without

  • Law and Gospel

  • Grace and Law in Sanctification

  • A Primer on Presuppositionalism

  • Seven Convulsions in the History of Philosophy

  • A Fresh Look at the Regulative Principle (Reformed Worship)

  • Thoughts on the Sinner’s Prayer

  • Hurting People’s Feelings

  • A Left-Wing Complementarian

  • Statism, Secularism, Islam, and Christ

  • Lessons on Ministry from the Pharisees

  • Marriage as Unjust Suffering

If you’re interested in learning more about the life, theology, and ministry of John Frame, I’ve written these 4 brief blog posts I hope you’ll find helpful:

  1. Framing John Frame Pt 1: Introducing The Man and His Message

  2. Framing John Frame Pt 2: Influencers on His Thought

  3. Framing John Frame Pt 3: Why It’s Hard to Frame Frame

  4. Framing John Frame Pt 4: A Gentleman and a Scholar

Coming Soon: The 100 Books That Have Most Influenced John Frame’s Thought by Frame and Childers


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