Pathway Learning Blog
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Why Study Theology? Excerpt from Childers & Frame Book & Course
We saw earlier how theology can be understood as a “study of God,” based on the meaning of the word theology. But the word logos, from which we get the word, theo-logy, conveys not only the idea of the study of God, but also the knowledge of God that is the result of that study.

Drs John Frame & Steve Childers Develop New Seminary Courses
Dr Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, and Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, collaborate on four Applied Theology seminary courses with Pathway Learning.

On Overcoming Temptation and Sin by John Owen (1616-1683)
John Owen (1616-1683) was an English pastor and theologian at Oxford in the 17th century.

Give to Theological Famine Relief Globally: Applied Theology Project
Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, and Dr. Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, recording a lesson in the Applied Theology Project coming in 2017.

Tribute to J. I. Packer on His 90th Birthday
Today is J. I. Packer’s 90th birthday. Longevity in life and ministry is often taken for granted in our day.

John Frame’s New Book, “Selected Writings Volume 3” Now Published
Good news! Dr. John M. Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings Volume 3 (P&R) has been published. Dr. Frame has distinguished himself as a prolific author and one of America’s foremost theologians and philosophers—significantly shaping the thought of Evangelicalism today.

Bono Meets Peterson–A Call for Authenticity in Art, Music, & Life
Bono (lead musician of the band U2) and Eugene Peterson (84 year-old Presbyterian minister and author of contemporary-language bible translation The Message) discuss the need for followers of Jesus to embody more realism in art, music, and life.

John Frame's New Book, "Selected Writings Volume 2" Just Published
Good news! Dr. John M. Frame's Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 2 (P&R) has just been released.

All Things New (Act 3, Scene 1): Redemption-The Coming Kingdom
Jesus is beginning to set in motion all that would eventually bring about the universal rule and reign of God over not just Rome, but over all the nations of the earth and the entire world.