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Biblical and Social Evidence for a Justice-Oriented Church by PCA Covenant College Students
Covenant College students Aaron Anand, Sarah Lane Cochrane, Abby Gienapp, Will Payne, Ryan Rhodes, and Mark Roos published in their student newspaper, The Bagpipe, an online article (below) titled “Freedom in Christ to Obey His Word: A Response to Rev. Andy Wilson.”

Personal Letter to Imprisoned Early Rain Church Elder From His Wife
“…Go in peace and do what you need to do. Regardless of whether you are there for two years or three years or eight years or ten years, we will wait for you. We will joyfully wait for you...”

Read My Pastor's Response & Prayer re: Racism in Charlottesville
When my pastor, Mike Tilley, stood before our local church in Orlando this morning, after the conflict with white supremacists in Charlottesville yesterday, he said these brief, wise and timely words to us and then led us in this simple but profound prayer. I hope you will find this helpful, as I did.