Pathway Learning Blog
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Biblical and Social Evidence for a Justice-Oriented Church by PCA Covenant College Students
Covenant College students Aaron Anand, Sarah Lane Cochrane, Abby Gienapp, Will Payne, Ryan Rhodes, and Mark Roos published in their student newspaper, The Bagpipe, an online article (below) titled “Freedom in Christ to Obey His Word: A Response to Rev. Andy Wilson.”

Personal Letter to Imprisoned Early Rain Church Elder From His Wife
“…Go in peace and do what you need to do. Regardless of whether you are there for two years or three years or eight years or ten years, we will wait for you. We will joyfully wait for you...”

Chinese Official Denounces House Churches at Congress, Says They Must Be Brought To Justice
"Pastor" Xu Xiaohong (徐晓鸿), head of the Chinese government-sanctioned Three-Self Church (三自爱国运动) warns of Christianity’s “anti-China forces” and vows to help government “bring them to justice" at the National People's Congress on March 11, 2019.

Pray for R.C. Sproul's Family
I'm deeply grateful to God for the life and ministry of my friend and former colleague, Dr. R.C. Sproul.

Watch Childers and Team Training in Muslim West Africa
Watch this 3 minute video about Steve Childers training leaders in West Africa.

Day One: Worship and Preaching, Kara, Togo, West Africa
Watch this video of Steve Childers preaching in West Africa.

Drs John Frame & Steve Childers Develop New Seminary Courses
Dr Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, and Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, collaborate on four Applied Theology seminary courses with Pathway Learning.

Hear the testimony of one of our Pathway Learning partners in West Africa
Hear the testimony of a partner in West Africa and his experience with Pathway Learning courses.

Tribute to J. I. Packer on His 90th Birthday
Today is J. I. Packer’s 90th birthday. Longevity in life and ministry is often taken for granted in our day.

Steve Ogne: In Memoriam
The post-it note prayer that was hanging from his computer screen declared the prayer and promise, “I will serve you to the end and you will provide for me.” This past Wednesday at 5:05pm marked the end of Steve Ogne’s life and ministry.

Finding Your Life Purpose in the Lord's Prayer
The only way to make ultimate sense out of your story is to understand how it fits into the greater story of the purposes of God for the world.

Reformed Theology and the Mission of God in the 21st Century
Reformed Theology and the Mission of God in the 21st Century is the theme of the World Reformed Fellowship 4th General Assembly meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil March 23-27, 2015.

On Christianity & Culture From Award Winning Author George Marsden by Steve Childers
George Marsden has recently written a groundbreaking book reflecting on how American public life might better accommodate the rise of religious pluralism.

My Mom, My Wife, and Earthquakes by Steve Childers
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.