Pathway Learning Blog
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All Things New: Peek Inside Steve Childers Upcoming Book
Read a preview of Steve Childers’ upcoming book.

John Frame Remembers John Murray (& Imitates His Scottish Accent!)
Watch this brief video of one of today's top theologians, Professor John Frame, reminiscing with me about his theological mentor, Professor John Murray.

To Believe the Gospel is to Reject the Lie of YOLO - Ryan Shelton
The popular acronym YOLO (you only live once) has captured the hearts of many an emerging hedonist (and not the Christian kind). It wrests the minds of thousands with the tyranny of the urgent, motivating a kind of desperate restlessness to squeeze the last drop of pleasure out of these quickly fading days.

Finding Your Story in God's Story by Steve Childers
God created everything that exists, including the earth and all the nations on it for a purpose. The degree to which we understand God’s purpose for the world is the degree to which we will understand God’s purpose for our lives in it. And the degree to which we align our life purpose with God’s purpose for the world is the degree to which we will experience the fullness of God’s purpose for our lives.

All Things New (Act 3, Scene 1): Redemption-The Coming Kingdom
Jesus is beginning to set in motion all that would eventually bring about the universal rule and reign of God over not just Rome, but over all the nations of the earth and the entire world.

All Things New (Act 2): The Fall – The Way Things Are Not Supposed to Be
In order to appreciate the good news of the gospel you must deeply understand the bad news about all the consequences of the fall--mankind’s rebellion against God. A gospel that is not a remedy to all the consequences of the fall is less than the true gospel. A limited understanding of the gospel often results in a false assurance (or lack of assurance) of salvation, a lack of spiritual maturity and a minimal impact on the world for good.

All Things New (Act 1): Creation – The Way Things Are Supposed to Be
The first act in the drama of history is God’s act of creating and sustaining “all things visible and invisible” (Nicene Creed). Note that the story of the gospel does not begin with Christ and his salvation but with God and his creation. This is because you cannot fully understand Christ’s salvation until you first understand its relationship to God’s creation.