Pathway Learning Blog
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How Do I Forgive Someone Who Wronged Me? (Managing Conflict, Part 6)
Forgiveness is not merely a feeling. It is primarily a decision, an act of the will, that God calls you to make, often in spite of your feelings. Forgiveness is always costly, just like it cost God something great, in his Son, to forgive you. It will always cost you something great to forgive someone else. The person who has wronged you is in your debt until you decide to release that debt you've been holding on to. Forgiveness is a costly choice for you, but a choice that always pays the giver rich dividends.

How Do I Own Conflict as a “Chief Repenter”? (Managing Conflict, Part 5)
One of the most significant ways that church leaders can serve as examples to the flock is through their repentance. Only through the Gospel can we find the power to be criticized and then to humble ourselves and confess our sins to others no matter what their response might be to us.

How Do I Engage in Conflict with Wisdom? (Managing Conflict, Part 4)
We should always seek first to overlook the offenses of others. But sometimes it becomes necessary to talk with others about their failures.

How Do I Manage Conflict? (Managing Conflict, Part 3)
There is a big difference between constructive criticism and sinful antagonism. Some leaders become unnecessarily paranoid when others disagree with them.

How Do I Redeem Conflict? (Managing Conflict, Part 2)
When faced with conflict, the first question we should ask ourselves is “How can I best honor God and love this person?"