Pathway Learning Blog
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Vision for the Church of God: Vision Series, Part 4
Why the Church is the Hope of the World: The Church isn’t just a place of worship—it’s a kingdom outpost. Learn how believers can bring light to every sphere of life.

The Practice of Mercy: Mercy Part 6
When Helping Hurts: How you understand and define poverty will determine how you help alleviate poverty. Learn three effective approaches to help mobilize your church to have a more effective mercy ministry in this new Mercy course and book by Dr. Steve Childers.

The Heart for Mercy: Mercy Part 5
Learn how to develop a heart of mercy like the Apostle Paul's that was "eager" to care for the poor. And learn why caring for the poor was not just a duty to Paul, but an act of worship in this new Mercy series by Dr. Steve Childers.

The Goal of Mercy: Mercy Part 4
You're called to show mercy to those who suffer from broken relationships–with God, themselves, others, and the world. Just as there are different types of brokenness, so there are different types of parallel ministries of mercy. Learn more in the new Pathway Learning series.

The Vision for Mercy: A Sneak Preview, Mercy Part 3
When you show mercy to the poor you display a “sneak preview” of God’s kingdom to come on the earth when Jesus returns. Learn more in the new Mercy series by Dr. Steve Childers.

Watch Repurpose Videos: Reformed Purpose-Driven Life & Church
Repurpose, the new video mini-series by Pathway Learning, will help deepen your sense of calling and purpose. Repurpose considers the ancient questions of the ages about our world and humanity from a Christian perspective.

All Things New (Act 3, Scene 1): Redemption-The Coming Kingdom
Jesus is beginning to set in motion all that would eventually bring about the universal rule and reign of God over not just Rome, but over all the nations of the earth and the entire world.

All Things New (Introduction): The Greatest Story Ever Told
The only way to really know God is to know his story. And the Bible is a record of that story. Even though the Bible contains hundreds of stories it has only one overarching story. And even though the Bible contains sixty-six books it has only one overarching message. What’s interesting is that the central message of the Bible, the gospel, comes to us primarily by means of stories found in the Bible.