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A Gentleman and a Scholar (Framing John Frame, Part 4)
“You are a gentleman and a scholar.” It’s a phrase used in the Catcher in the Rye. But it’s been used for centuries throughout the British Isles to describe a rare person worthy of being considered not only a scholar but also a gentleman. Not all scholars are gentlemen. Not all gentlemen are scholars. John Frame is both.

Help Under-Resourced Church Planters in Muslim West Africa
Since 2006, Steve Childers has trained hundreds of indigenous church leaders in West Africa from 15 West African nations, representing more than 20 indigenous church denominations.

Help Under-Resourced Church Leaders in Muslim West Africa
During the last fifty years, the global church has focused on the goal of personal conversion to the neglect of discipleship and societal transformation. As a result, the church is losing its transforming impact on the world.