Thanks to friends like you, people’s lives and communities are being transformed around the world. I’d like to introduce you to Gary Watanabe and his team with Christ Bible Seminary and Joy of Japan Center for Church Planting who are using Pathway Learning courses to equip church leaders to plant gospel-centered churches in the highly resistant, unreached nation of Japan. Gary writes:

Japan includes one of the most unreached people groups in the world and one of the most unchurched. There is a critical need to start and develop thousands of healthy churches in Japan that will transform lives and communities.

This is why we are so thankful for Pathway Learning’s practical training and tools that are helping us equip church leaders and seminary students in Japan to plant and renew churches with effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy. Pathway Learning provides us with  great culturally sensitive and contextualized courses and resources thatwe need to help fulfill our vision to train, equip, and multiply the next generation of church planters and church revitalizers in Japan.

Pathway Learning offers tremendous resources to help church leader training organizations like ours equip and empower indigenous leaders and churches for the greater kingdom good.

– Rev. Gary Watanabe, City to City, CBI Joy of Japan Church Planting Center

Gary and his team in Japan know that a healthy church with effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy is the most effective, long-term way to reach the unreached in Japan – and in every nation.

When you give to Pathway Learning, you help equip underserved church leaders with the training and tools they need to plant and renew churches that transform lives and communities among the unreached in Japan and around the world.

Give today, and bring lasting change to the unreached people in Japan.

For the King!


Steven L. Childers

President and CEO, Pathway Learning

PS: Thanks again for your ongoing prayers and financial support. Your support makes all this possible. Together we can continue providing underserved church leaders the education and practical tools they need to transform lives and communities around the world in 2021. To donate, Click Here.



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Winter Park, FL 32790

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