Your Support Transforms Lives and Communities in Italy
I’d like to introduce you to Justin Valiquette and his team who are using Pathway Learning courses to equip indigenous church leaders to plant and renew churches throughout Italy. Valiquette is a team leader in his 12th year with Acts 29 – Impatto helping lead and train a network of Italian church planters and pastors. Justin writes,
"We believe that the hope for the lostness of Italy is through the planting of hundreds (if not thousands) of gospel-centered churches, led by Italians that truly understand the vision of God for their churches and for this nation. One of the primary reasons that the Italian church has been so unfruitful in reaching their own country is lack of leaders trained in gospel-saturated theology and practice. Or, trained at all for that matter."
Justin knows that a healthy church with effective ministries of evangelism, discipleship, and mercy is the most effective, long-term way to reach Italy for Christ. So he's committed to providing the best education for church leaders. This is why Justin and his team decided to implement Pathway Learning into their mission strategy – with very encouraging results.
Valiquette and his team in Italy with Acts 29 – Impatto
Justin tells about several emerging church leaders who recently completed the Church Planting Track I courses in Italian.
"One, in particular, I think captured the overall feeling of our students - 'Revolutionary!' Another just wrote me saying, 'This course is blowing my mind.I want to write down everything!' It has become abundantly clear that producing Pathway Learning in Italian is one of the most strategic things we have done in our 12 years of being here. I believe it can be a major part in paving the way for a movement of God in this very lost country."
When you give to Pathway Learning, you help equip underserved church leaders with the training and tools they need to plant and renew churches that transform lives and communities in Italy.
Give today, and bring lasting change to people in Italy and around the world.
For the King!
Steven L. Childers
President and CEO, Pathway Learning
PS: Thanks again for your ongoing prayers and financial support. Your support makes all this possible. Together we can continue providing underserved church leaders the education and practical tools they need to transform lives and communities around the world. To donate, Click Here.
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