Give to Theological Famine Relief Globally: Applied Theology Project

Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, and Dr. Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, recording a lesson in the Applied Theology Project coming in 2017. Click above to watch a 2-minute video clip.

"Pathway Learning constitutes a quantum leap in the quality of theological education by distance. I'm proud to be participating in it and now be recommending it to others. Pathway Learning has made it possible for the strong Reformed theology I love to go to all the nations of the world. May God give to this teaching a mighty voice."  –Dr. John Frame

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P.S. - The generosity of friends like you is key to our mission. We need your help to raise $100,000 in 2016 and be ready for 2017. Thank you.

Pathway Learning Courses: Coming Soon!

Preface to the Applied Theology Project by Dr. John Frame

Now, during my last academic year (50th) of seminary teaching, my colleague, Steve Childers, and I are collaborating on the "Applied Theology Project" to help bring seminary-level systematic theology courses to under-served church leaders worldwide who have no access to traditional theological application.

The vision for this project is to use the latest advances in educational technology to help bring all the loci of Systematic Theology to the millions of church leaders, especially in the developing world, who have no access or cannot afford high quality traditional seminary education.

For years I’ve been teaching “theology is application.” The challenge now is for the two of us to do this together, me as a Systematic Theologian, and Childers as a Practical Theologian, by collaborating and converging our decades of teaching and ministry "for the nations," as his email signature always says.

In these courses, designed for church leaders to take while they continue in ministry, we are seeking to discuss ways the entire body of systematic theology can be applied to all major aspects of life and ministry.

Pathway Learning constitutes a quantum leap in the quality of theological education by distance. I'm proud to be participating in it and now be recommending it to others. Pathway Learning has made it possible for the strong Reformed theology I love to go to all the nations of the world. May God give to this teaching a mighty voice.

Dr. John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary


Why God is Not Enough: Peek Inside Steve Childers' Upcoming Book


Watch Testimony of Emerging Church Planter about Pathway Learning