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Restorative Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 6A
10 Reasons to Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection

10 Reasons to Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection

Why celebrate the resurrection of Jesus? The resurrection means much more than we can have life after death. The Bible give us several perspectives on the meaning and significance of Jesus’ resurrection. Here are ten biblical reasons to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

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Paying It Forward: Faith & Work Series Part 6
Join God’s Cosmic Restoration Project: Faith & Work Series Part 5
All Things New (Act 2): The Fall – The Way Things Are Not Supposed to Be
All Things New All Things New

All Things New (Act 2): The Fall – The Way Things Are Not Supposed to Be

In order to appreciate the good news of the gospel you must deeply understand the bad news about all the consequences of the fall--mankind’s rebellion against God. A gospel that is not a remedy to all the consequences of the fall is less than the true gospel. A limited understanding of the gospel often results in a false assurance (or lack of assurance) of salvation, a lack of spiritual maturity and a minimal impact on the world for good.

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All Things New (Act 1): Creation – The Way Things Are Supposed to Be

All Things New (Act 1): Creation – The Way Things Are Supposed to Be

The first act in the drama of history is God’s act of creating and sustaining “all things visible and invisible” (Nicene Creed). Note that the story of the gospel does not begin with Christ and his salvation but with God and his creation. This is because you cannot fully understand Christ’s salvation until you first understand its relationship to God’s creation.

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All Things New (Introduction): The Greatest Story Ever Told

All Things New (Introduction): The Greatest Story Ever Told

The only way to really know God is to know his story. And the Bible is a record of that story. Even though the Bible contains hundreds of stories it has only one overarching story. And even though the Bible contains sixty-six books it has only one overarching message. What’s interesting is that the central message of the Bible, the gospel, comes to us primarily by means of stories found in the Bible.

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