Pathway Learning Blog
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Read My Pastor's Response & Prayer re: Racism in Charlottesville
When my pastor, Mike Tilley, stood before our local church in Orlando this morning, after the conflict with white supremacists in Charlottesville yesterday, he said these brief, wise and timely words to us and then led us in this simple but profound prayer. I hope you will find this helpful, as I did.

Watch Pathway Learning Partner Share Risks in Muslim West Africa
Watch this powerful, 1-minute testimony from our Pathway Learning ministry partner who is willing to risk his life for the sake of reaching his people in West Africa.

Give to Theological Famine Relief Globally: Applied Theology Project
Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, and Dr. Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, recording a lesson in the Applied Theology Project coming in 2017.

How You Can Help Plant Churches in Muslim-Dominated West Africa
Watch this powerful, 1-minute testimony from Steve Childers' ministry partner who is willing to risk his life for the sake of reaching his people in West Africa.

Free Preview of New Online Church Planting Course
Learn why Christian leaders from more than 50 countries, representing over 300 denominations, have taken this church planter training.