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Praying the Benediction: Hope in Theology Conclusion

Praying the Benediction: Hope in Theology Conclusion

Should you pray the ending of the Lord's Prayer if Jesus didn't teach it? Learn why church leaders probably added the traditional ending to the Lord’s Prayer, where they got it, and why you should learn to pray it in this final episode by Drs. Frame and Childers.

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Praying for Our Protection: Hope in Theology Part 6

Praying for Our Protection: Hope in Theology Part 6

You must learn to pray for your protection because life is a battle that involves dangerous spiritual warfare that you cannot overcome by yourself. Learn how to ask God not to lead you into temptation but deliver you from evil in the Theology of Hope series by Drs. John Frame and Steve Childers.

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Praying for Our Forgiveness: Hope in Theology Part 5
Praying for Our Daily Bread: Hope in Theology Part 4
Praying for Our Father’s Kingdom and Will: Hope in Theology Part 3
Praying for Our Father’s Name to be Hallowed: Hope in Theology Part 2
Understanding Hope and the Lord’s Prayer: Hope in Theology Part 1
Introducing a Theology of Hope: A Biblical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer by Dr. John Frame

Introducing a Theology of Hope: A Biblical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer by Dr. John Frame

Preview the newly released book and course by Drs. John Frame & Steve Childers on Theology of Hope: A Biblical Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer. Learn how to develop a strong hope based on the Lord's Prayer and applied to all areas of your life.

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Pray for Dr. John Frame’s wife, Mary

Pray for Dr. John Frame’s wife, Mary

Dr. John Frame is asking us to join him in prayer for his dear wife, Mary, who was recently diagnosed with an aggressive type of brain cancer called glioblastoma (GBM). After her surgery on Dec. 3rd and an extended hospital recovery, she returned home December 18 and is scheduled to begin chemotherapy and radiation soon.

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Early Rain Covenant Church Elder Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

Early Rain Covenant Church Elder Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

Elder Qin Defu's trial was held last week at the Chengdu Qingyang District People's Court. He was charged with "illegal business operations" for his service at the church, which included providing books and printed resources for church members and printing and distributing hymnals. On November 29, he was sentenced to four years in prison, leaving behind a wife and two young children

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All Things New (Introduction): The Greatest Story Ever Told

All Things New (Introduction): The Greatest Story Ever Told

The only way to really know God is to know his story. And the Bible is a record of that story. Even though the Bible contains hundreds of stories it has only one overarching story. And even though the Bible contains sixty-six books it has only one overarching message. What’s interesting is that the central message of the Bible, the gospel, comes to us primarily by means of stories found in the Bible.

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