Pathway Learning Blog
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Vision for the Gospel of God: Vision Series, Part 5
The Three Tenses of Salvation: A Gospel-Centered Vision. The gospel isn’t just the way in—it’s the way forward. Learn how salvation works in past, present, and future.

Vision for the Church of God: Vision Series, Part 4
Why the Church is the Hope of the World: The Church isn’t just a place of worship—it’s a kingdom outpost. Learn how believers can bring light to every sphere of life.

Vision for the Kingdom of God: Vision Series, Part 3
Why the Coming Kingdom of God is Our Only True Hope: Governments, education, and healthcare can improve life—but they can’t fix the world’s deepest problems. Only God’s kingdom can. Here’s why.

Vision for the Glory of God: Vision Series, Part 2
God delights in blessing those who dare to align their life purpose more with his. What is God’s highest purpose for the world—and for your life? Jesus reveals it in the Sermon on the Mount. Click here to discover more!

What in the World is God Doing?: Vision Series, Part 1
Did you ever wonder why you want your life to count for something significant? You are designed by God in his image to make a difference in the world. Learn how!

A Vision for the PCA: A Look Back and Ahead
Randy Pope discusses the importance of maintaining doctrinal purity and effectively equipping church members to share their faith in a culturally relevant manner. He notes a decline in the vitality of his denomination, advocating for a balance of doctrinal understanding and active mission work. Inspired by Frank Barker, he emphasizes the need for regular training in evangelism, urging churches to model and teach practical faith-sharing annually.

Pray for New Chinese Spiritual Formation Course Launching for Underground Church Leaders
New Spiritual Formation course launching Sunday for underground church leaders - See the Video! Please pray for the launching of this new course in the underground church.

Exciting New Update from China!
Exciting New Update From China: Sunday, May 07, 3:07AM! The newest Pathway Learning online Church Planting Cohort was launched early Sunday (ET) for Chinese church leaders in Hong Kong. Learn about their first "Vision Course" in Mandarin, and see the map that shows the growth of Pathway Learning in China and East Asia.

Heart of Renewal: Renewal Series Part 6
How does the gospel really change us? What’s our part? What’s God’s part? Take a deeper look at how the gospel brings personal renewal to the human heart, beginning with yours, in the Renewal Series Pt 6 by Steve Childers.

Spreading Renewal: Renewal Series Part 5
Paul would be shocked to find the church so horribly divided today. Since no single church has the gifts and resources needed to do effective ministry to a whole community, churches must partner with other churches. Learn more in the Renewal Series Pt 5 by Steve Childers.

Community Renewal: Renewal Series Part 4
What is the church’s role in transforming society? Should the church just focus on saving souls? The problem is a failure to have a biblical balance between the not yet and the already aspects of God’s kingdom on earth. Learn more in the Renewal Series Pt 4 by Steve Childers.

Church Renewal Dynamics: Renewal Series Part 3
The biblical dynamics of church renewal include always aligning God’s church with God’s mission of restoring people to God, one another, their community, and the world through Christ by his Spirit. Learn more in the new Renewal Series Part 3 by Steve Childers.

Personal Renewal: Renewal Series Part 2
Personal, spiritual renewal begins when thirsty people start turning away from their idols and drinking deeply from the well that is Christ. Learn more in the new Renewal Series Part 2 by Steve Childers.

Vision for Renewal: Renewal Series Part 1
The church today is in serious decline. There is a desperate need for a new outpouring of God’s Spirit. We must first recapture the biblical vision of the great church leaders and churches in history. Learn more in the new Renewal Series Part 1 by Dr. Steve Childers.

Childers' First Church Plant Celebrates 40th Anniversary in OKC
Forty years ago, Steve Childers became the founding pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City, serving there from 1977-1982.

Watch Childers and Team Training in Muslim West Africa
Watch this 3 minute video about Steve Childers training leaders in West Africa.

Day One: Worship and Preaching, Kara, Togo, West Africa
Watch this video of Steve Childers preaching in West Africa.

Watch Pathway Learning Partner Share Risks in Muslim West Africa
Watch this powerful, 1-minute testimony from our Pathway Learning ministry partner who is willing to risk his life for the sake of reaching his people in West Africa.

Help Under-Resourced Church Planters in Muslim West Africa
Since 2006, Steve Childers has trained hundreds of indigenous church leaders in West Africa from 15 West African nations, representing more than 20 indigenous church denominations.

Help Under-Resourced Church Leaders in Muslim West Africa
During the last fifty years, the global church has focused on the goal of personal conversion to the neglect of discipleship and societal transformation. As a result, the church is losing its transforming impact on the world.