Pathway Learning Blog
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Hope: Longing for One Kiss and One Song that Never Played
“I love that it [this line] is being questioned in that it means the poetry of the lyric is doing its job. And that job, or one of them, is to evoke deep feeling and imagery in an expansive way so that each reader/singer can see some of their deepest moments within them though having lived very different circumstances from one another.” – T. L. Moody

Vertical and Horizontal Worship: Worship Series Part 2
In our last episode, we learned about the broad and narrow focus in biblical worship. In this episode we learn about the vertical and horizontal focus in biblical worship. Our vertical focus is on God and our horizontal focus is on others. Learn more.

Broad and Narrow Worship: Worship Series Part 1
Learn how to deepen your understanding and experience of true worship in the new Worship Series by Drs John Frame and Steve Childers. In this episode, learn what the Bible teaches about a broad and narrow sense of worship.

Christological Foundation: Foundations in Theology Series Part 6B
The Bible gives us a news report that something big has happened that should shape your entire life. Do you know the headline? Your theology must be grounded in a biblical understanding of the gospel. Learn more from Drs. Frame and Childers.

Introduction to Paul’s Letter to the Romans Part 1: The Historical Context
In order to understand and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans to our lives correctly we need to understand first the general historical context in which he wrote the letter.

What You May Not Have Heard on Easter About Heaven
Read some of my favorite quotes on the Resurrection and Heaven from the book "Surprised by Hope" by Tom Wright.

John Frame on RC Sproul: “The Wretched Boundaries of our Clubs"
The evening immediately after RC Sproul died, John Frame writes about his earliest memories of RC, starting back when they were young men from Pittsburgh. Frame expresses his great admiration for RC and his ministry, and grieves over the "wretched boundaries" that kept them apart, as he prays for RC's family and loved ones.

Read My Pastor's Response & Prayer re: Racism in Charlottesville
When my pastor, Mike Tilley, stood before our local church in Orlando this morning, after the conflict with white supremacists in Charlottesville yesterday, he said these brief, wise and timely words to us and then led us in this simple but profound prayer. I hope you will find this helpful, as I did.

Watch Childers and Team Training in Muslim West Africa
Watch this 3 minute video about Steve Childers training leaders in West Africa.

A Gentleman and a Scholar (Framing John Frame, Part 4)
“You are a gentleman and a scholar.” It’s a phrase used in the Catcher in the Rye. But it’s been used for centuries throughout the British Isles to describe a rare person worthy of being considered not only a scholar but also a gentleman. Not all scholars are gentlemen. Not all gentlemen are scholars. John Frame is both.

Day One: Worship and Preaching, Kara, Togo, West Africa
Watch this video of Steve Childers preaching in West Africa.

Help Under-Resourced Church Planters in Muslim West Africa
Since 2006, Steve Childers has trained hundreds of indigenous church leaders in West Africa from 15 West African nations, representing more than 20 indigenous church denominations.

On Overcoming Temptation and Sin by John Owen (1616-1683)
John Owen (1616-1683) was an English pastor and theologian at Oxford in the 17th century.

Help Under-Resourced Church Leaders in Muslim West Africa
During the last fifty years, the global church has focused on the goal of personal conversion to the neglect of discipleship and societal transformation. As a result, the church is losing its transforming impact on the world.

All Things New: Peek Inside Steve Childers Upcoming Book
Read a preview of Steve Childers’ upcoming book.

3 Things It Took Me 40 Years to Learn!
It seems like yesterday I was in my 20's planting a church. Now I'm in my 60's learning how to be a grandfather! How did this happen?

Peek Inside Childers' Upcoming Book, "Gospel of the Kingdom"
Peek inside Steve Childers’ upcoming book.

Watch Repurpose Videos: Reformed Purpose-Driven Life & Church
Repurpose, the new video mini-series by Pathway Learning, will help deepen your sense of calling and purpose. Repurpose considers the ancient questions of the ages about our world and humanity from a Christian perspective.

Why God is Not Enough: Peek Inside Steve Childers' Upcoming Book
Read a preview of Steve Childers’ upcoming book.

Give to Theological Famine Relief Globally: Applied Theology Project
Dr. John Frame, Systematic Theologian, and Dr. Steve Childers, Practical Theologian, recording a lesson in the Applied Theology Project coming in 2017.